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User IDs

The following table contains a list of all the currently used User IDs on Cucumber Linux

UID User Primary Group Description
0 root 0 (root) root
1 bin 1 (bin) bin
6 daemon 6 (daemon) Daemon User
9 lp 9 (lp) Print Service
17 polkitd 17 (polkitd) PolicyKit Daemon Owner
18 messagebus 18 (messagebus) D-Bus Message Daemon User
20 named 20 (named) Bind Daemon
25 apache 25 (apache) Apache Daemon
40 mysql 40 (mysql) MariaDB Daemon
42 dovecot 42 (dovecot) Dovecot Unprivileged User
43 dovenull 43 (dovenull) Dovecot Login User
48 rsync 48 (rsync) Rsync Daemon
50 sshd 50 (sshd) SSH Daemon
51 smtpd 51 (smtpd) SMTP Daemon
52 smtpq 52 (smtpq) SMTPD Queue
53 portuser 53 (portuser) Ports Tree Privilege Separation User
99 nobody 99 (nogroup) Unprivileged User

User ID Ranges

The following User ID Ranges are currently reserved on Cucumber Linux:

Range Purpose
0 - 99 System accounts for the base system.
100 - 799 Unused; Reserved for future use.
800 - 999 System accounts for packages in the community ports tree.
1000 - 60000 Local user accounts.
references/uids.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/21 18:35 by z5t1